Tuesday 14 June 2011

Tears and Panic

Today, I feel like I'm on the verge of crying.  I literally have tears in my eyes as I go through my day-to-day activities.  Unfortunately, it's not unusual.  That and this undercurrent of panic and nervousness.

I wish this journey was just a bit easier.


  1. My heart aches for you, knowing that you can feel so many negative emotions but no positive ones right now. YOU are still in there, though; in spite of your pain you still express the desire to help others. Perhaps you need to go through this hell in order to learn the best ways to help. I wish that I knew how to help you. I can tell you this: You have a heart of gold, and I'm confident that it will feel happiness again.

    Here are some things for you to read:



    "you could try 2000mg-5000mg L-Glutamine for 30 days. Adults take 2000mg but those doing body building and CFS take up to 5000mg. I knew 2 people with Anhedonia who took it and came out of Anhedonia. May be worth a try and certainly a better alternative to death. It’s used in many ways including an antidepressant and in Schizophrenia among other conditions. Excess causes mania."



    15 June 2011 07:04

    Word verification

  2. Thanks for the links. I'll definitely check them out. I sincerely appreciate your support. It's been challenging, but easier with your help and understanding.
