Tuesday 5 July 2011

I can't sing anymore...

Singing once made me incredibly happy.  I would sing and connect to music, and it was amazing.  Amazing not because I had a good or even passable singing voice, but because I loved music - the subtleties that make a great song.

Not anymore.  After being unable to experience any positive emotion or any connection to joy for several months, today I realised that I don't even want to sing.  It's almost like I can't sing any more.  My voice is gone.

Perhaps its the frustration of not connecting to music any more.  If I can't feel it anymore, why bother?

None of this is a concious choice.  It's all unconcious.  When I try to sing, it feels strange... like singing on Good Friday.  I don't understand.  When will I be back to myself again?


  1. I wish I had an answer for you (and that the answer was "soon"). What does your doctor say?

  2. Thank you for your support, Jenni. My doctors' don't say anything. I have another appointment tomorrow evening, and I hope he has some idea.

    I'm now on long term disability... Sigh.

  3. hey,

    I know what you mean. Once you lose that feeling, its hard to get back. Keep searching though :)

  4. Thanks for your encouragement. I hope you're doing well.
