Part of that is true. I'm with my soul mate and have the most
If my teenage, or young self, could have predicted this, they would have been horrified. I have become my worst nightmare... Well, not quite. If I gained 100 pounds, took up smoking and drinking diet Coke all day, THAT would be my worst nightmare.
I never wanted to be a stay-at-home Mom... Not that there is anything wrong with that... Because I've seen many ways that stay-at-home Mom's make it work and embrace their inner spirit, continuing to be who they are and blooming. But, it's not in my nature to be one of them. My nature is more outside the home. Thankfully, we can still afford to send my son to a day home. It makes my life easier - especially with all the appointments. And, it helps me feel less guilty for not 'being there' as much as I feel I should be for my son.
Now that I'm 42 (or will be soon), I want to have a life I am proud to be living, instead of cowering at home. Ineffective. Embarrassed to be who I am. Embarrassing.
How do I get my life back on track? Be the person I was meant to be?
Make that phone call you've been avoiding, find a glimmer of hope in the fact that you're finally feeling SOMETHING, and have faith that your life will be back on track and you will be more appreciative and happy than ever once this is all behind you.