Saturday 4 February 2012

My son

My Mom brought my son home from the day home the other day, and I was sleeping in the spare (formerly my) bedroom. As I lay there and he came to join me, I realised that many of his memories of his Mom will be of me lying in bed, not feeling well.  Or, of him saying, "Mommy has a doctor's appointment."

It  scared me. Really scared me. My son should have memories of time in the park or at the zoo... Not of a Mom who is too sick to interact with him.

Okay, admittedly, I did just have a tooth removed ('complex procedure' involving stitches), and I am in a considerable amount of physical pain.  But, it still worries me.  The little guy deserves more.  Now the question is, how can I give him more? Not sure, as right now any time I move too much or get my pulse rate up, I am in extreme pain - despite the pain killers.

I still need to give him more... Now and when my mouth/jaw/gaping hole feels better.

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